Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 1

Saying Goodbye is Big, Fat and Stupid and I Hate It.
I'm walking through the security line at Denver International Airport. Tears well in my eyes and I fight back a break down. Every time I turn my head, I spot Lizzi and my dad standing near the exit. Each time I look over at them, we wave and smile, all of our eyes red-rimmed. They stay, moving so that I can see them until I get all the way through security. When I've stepped through the scanner and gathered my things, I stand in my tiptoes to wave goodbye one more time. I put on my shoes and immediately begin to weep.
I hate goodbyes. Goodbyes should go get hit my a train or mauled my gorilla.
The past few days have been tough, full of bear hugs, tears and goodbyes. Today in the airport was the last of a slew. I had said goodbye to my family last night and this morning, before I hit the road to the airport.
Mini crisis was also averted this morning as my laptop of two years began to be eaten alive a super virus. Matthew (My mom's boyfriend/ New Daddy) spent two hours trying to fix it last night and nothing worked. Every time I tried to open an application or click a link, it would redirect me somewhere else. I told my dad the situation this morning and his idea was to send it off to some tech guys and then forward it to me in Spain in a few weeks. FUCK. My one mode of communication and I would be without it for a week at least? My stepmom came to the rescue and told my dad to take me to Best Buy and pick up a net book. Ta da! Crisis averted. Thanks Dad and Cyn!
Before heading off to DIA, my dad and I stopped in Denver to pick up Lizzi who had ridden down on the transit. Lizzi and I passed the time in the car by applying several super hideous temporary tattoos that I bought her for her birthday a few weeks ago. I am now the proud sporter of a butterfly (surrounded by stars of course) on my belly, a band of jewels on my arm and "love" on my elbow (Lizzi has "dream")! A small and helpful distraction from our impending separtion and therefore, impending sadness.

Part 2: British Airways is Fancy! (Too bad their TV's Suck)or I wish the Asian Lady Next to Me Would Go to Sleep
On the plane! It is so much more fun to listen to the airline secuirty speech when its done in a British accent! (I should have done my LQ briefings like a Brit, maybe those annoying 13 year old boys would have stopped getting excited over the black light and actually paid attention.) Also, I love British flight attendants. No better way to start to a flight then with a woman asking "Newspaper at t'all?" Love it.
My seat was decked out! I had my own person tv with a remote! When I sat down there was a courtesy package that included all the things one might need on a 9 hour flight over seas: pillow, blanket, head phones, ear plugs, toothbrush, sleep max and of course, socks. Wait, what? Yes, there was an extra pair of grey socks in my courtesy package. Someone is getting that for their souveneir!
I got extra leg room thanks to the woman at the check in but I still have a middle seat which is making sleeping incredibly difficult. Especailly since the woman next to me is reading still with her book light shining right in my face. Awesome. Guy on my other side is nice. He's British and reading To Kill A Mockingbird and we had a lovely little chat.
I was really excited to watch Black Swan and then King's Speech but half the TV channels weren't working so I ended up watcing some bad sitcoms and pieces of some Jennifer Anniston movie. Overall though, the flight isn't too bad. The food was actually really yummy and I nom'd on some bisquits from Matthew! Yay!
I am incredibly sleepy and this post is a lot more bitter then I meant it to be. Time to cuddle with Timothy the British Bear and manufacture some Z's.

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